The magazine of the Belgian Zebra Finch Society
Our magazine "the Zebra"
* Keeps all members informed of the ins and outs of the club and rayons
* Technical articles on inheritance, nutrition, breeding, housing, etc... are covered
* Interviews with breeders are a source of experience for every reader
* The Q&A section answers questions from members and non-members alike.
* The agenda gives an overview of upcoming activities.
* The photo review shows the reader the standard of a mutation
"The Zebra" appears in A4 format, contains 24 pages entirely in color. The texts are brightened up with accompanying photos. The magazine is published 5 times a year.
The content of "de Zebra" is identical in the three languages (Dutch, French and English)

Final editing
Erwin Lens
+32 486 68 25 18
Using the form below, you can subscribe and become a member of the BZC. Below is an overview of the membership fees.
* printed and sent by mail: 30€ per year
* digital sent by mail: 20€ per year
* sent digitally (pdf) by e-mail: 20€ per year
Promotional Price
BZC embraces the digital world by lowering its digital version to 20€ per year
Indicate your choices for language, pdf or not and year
Fields with * are mandatory
Please enter 01 in the BZC-code