Agenda BZC

At right: a summary of the Belgian shows
Details can be obtained from the organizers
The next pages shows some of the shows abroad

BZC shows of 2023
DIAM Salle espace Orneau, Ch. de Namur 32, 5030 Gembloux
15/9/2023 entering of birds from 17:00 until 21:00
16/9/2023 closed for judging.
17/9/2023 bird sale from 08:00 until 12:00
Award ceremony at +/- 15:00 followed by restitution of birds
Info: Philippe Rosy /+32 486 30 64 06
AZC DBS - Evenementenhal De Populier, Populierenhoeve 22, 2240 Zandhoven
Thursday 12/10/2023 entering of birds from 17:00 until 22:00
Friday 13/10/2023 closed for judging
Saterday 14/10/2023 open for public and bird sale from 08:00 until 20:00
Sunday 15/10/2023 open for public from 8:00 until 17:00 bird sale until 15:00
Award ceremony at 15:00 followed by restitution of birds
Info: Jos Smeyers
OVZC Zaal Ten Bos, Ten Bos 33 9100 Nieuwkerken
20/10/2023 entering of birds from 17:00 until 21.00 (+ birds for sale)
21/10/2023 closed for judging
22/10/2023 open for public and bird sale from 08:00 until 12:00
Award ceremony at +/- 15:00 followed by restitution of birds
Info: Lens Erwin / 0486 68 25 18
ZCB Parochiezaal Centrum, Langestraat 14, 2245 Houtvenne
Thursday 2/11/2023 entering of birds from 17:00 until 21:00 (+ birds for sale)
Friday 3/11/2023 closed for judging
Saterday 4/11/2023 open for public and bird sale from 10:00
Award ceremony at 16:00 followed by restitution of birds
Info: Johan Korthout / 0498 57 50 32
ZCL GCOC Oosterhof, Dr. Vanderhoeydonckstraat 56, 3560 Lummen
25/11/2023 1-day show
Info: Vloemans Christophe / 0473 32 78 39
WZC GRS Expohallen, Diksmuidsesteenweg 400 te Roeselare.
Entering of birds wednesday 29 November from 10:00 until 21:00
COM judging thursday 30 November.
Formal opening friday 1 December at 19:30
Open for public : saterday 2 December from 09:00 until 18:00
sunday 3 December from 09:00 until 16:00
Info: Tino Allemeersch / 0479 33 32 44
zebra finches

As announced at the general meeting of may, a series of posture zebra finches will be added this year.
Since little attention has been paid to it so far and this series will soon be in the question programme under number C78. Here is a word of explanation.
This series will include zebra finches with a big format. We are thinking primarily of the UK types and their offspring. Both males and females, both young and over-aged and both own birds and purchased specimens play together in one serie: serie C78. No points are awarded, but the birds are placed from 1 to ... The standard used was made available to us by Spanish Ornithological Confederation (C.O.E.).
Check your breeding area to see if there are any zebra finches that fit in this series. These birds can be entered at the regional shows of DIAM (Gembloux), OVZC (Nieuwkerken-Waas) , ZCB (Houtvenne) and ZCL (Lummen).
For each show, BZC will provide a trophy for the winner.
Take part and ensure instructive and interesting conversations between the rows!
François Janssens
President BZC
zebra finches